Saturday, January 22, 2011

Will we allow ourselves to be fooled again?

Will we? I sure hope not. In 2007-2008, Obama ran as a moderate centrist. Way too many people believed him, only to find they had elected the most radical left-leaning president in at least our modern history, if not our entire history.

We saw how he governed in 2009-2010, when he had an almost unstoppable congressional majority at his beck and call. Now he is again giving the appearance of tacking to the right, while simultaneously waging a regulatory war against America and capitalism.

His outward, in-words-only move to the center is happening not because he believes that the center is correct, but in order to lull us to sleep again long enough to reelect him. Imagine how he will govern when he doesn't have to worry about reelection. All he is showing us is that he is willing to give up 2 years of appearing to support his real agenda (while not actually giving up anything) to gain an additional four, completely unaccountable years to finish his destruction of the America he "loves" (NOT).

I really hope the people are not fooled by this blatant attempt to play us for fools just one more time.