Sunday, March 14, 2010

Repeal, Replace, and Amend

I submit that the fix needs to go farther than just a new Pres and a conservative majority in both houses. Once those elements are in place, what is needed is some amendments to the Constitution to close some of the most egregiously-abused loopholes the Supreme Court has been able to 'find' (invent) with clearer language that restores things to the way they were intended to be.

Stop the abuse of the Commerce Clause to mean all things based on any rationale at all, and the 'promote the general welfare' clause to be infinitely expansive, among other things. The Supreme Court cannot claim a Constitutional Amendment is unconstitutional. We just have to remove the wriggle room.

 As comforting as that may feel, now is not the time to give up and tune out. The assault is not over. It will continue until we have achieved a conservative majority in at least one house of Congress. And the abuses may get worse. We must be vigilant and active, because there is still much more that can be lost in what may turn out to be a very long and grueling 7 months.

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