Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Prediction Regarding the Democratic Party

Pretty much everybody is aware of and acknowledging the likely direction of the November elections, if not the magnitude of the shift that is coming. The Democrats have proceeded blithely into the craw of the American people and are about to be chewed up and spit out, as they rightly deserve.

There has been talk of the potential for a dying grasp at power by way of a lame duck session of Congress. It is about that potentiality that I have a prediction to record. IF the Democrats, following a resounding thrashing at the polls, exhibit the audacity to even try to push any of their unpopular policy items (e.g. Card Check or Cap and Trade) during a lame duck session, I herewith predict that 1) their attempts will fail and their efforts will be thwarted and 2) the very attempt may spell the death knoll of the Democratic party as a viable major player in American politics for a generation, if not more. I think the ramifications of such a brazen attempt to wrest America from the people would be a new 2-party landscape consisting of the Republican party on the "new left", and the Tea party on the "new right".

And wouldn't it be wonderful being able to choose between two parties which are both to the right of today's center, which are competing with each other over the right to restore respect for our Constitution, the principles of limited government, and respect for our founding principles? I look forward to the day.

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